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Cupping is a traditional treatment method used for centuries and aims to improve health by drawing blood from various parts of the body.

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Cumhuriyet Mahallesi,

Tanjant Hacıkasım Kavşağı

Cumhuriyet İş Merkezi

5. Kat Daire: 41, 61080




Traditional and Natural Health Method

Cupping is the process of taking blood from small cuts made on the skin. This method aims to remove toxins from the body, improve blood circulation and maintain energy balance.

Benefits of Cupping

  1. Detoxification: Cupping helps remove harmful toxins from the body. This is especially beneficial for people affected by the stress and environmental pollution that modern life brings.

  2. Improves Blood Circulation: Cupping provides better nutrition of organs and tissues by increasing blood circulation.

  3. Reduces Pain: It is effective in relieving chronic pain such as migraine, backache, and muscle aches.

  4. Strengthens the Immune System: It supports the body's natural defense mechanisms and increases resistance to diseases.

  5. Reduces Stress and Anxiety: Provides relief and relaxation, thus lowering stress levels.

How is cupping done?

Cupping procedure should generally be performed by certified experts. The process includes the following steps:

  1. Preparation: The area where cupping will be performed is cleaned and sterilized with an antiseptic.

  2. Cupping Placement: Silicone or glass cups are placed on designated areas and blood flow is encouraged by creating vacuum.

  3. Creating Incisions: After the cups are removed, small, superficial incisions are made.

  4. Blood Collection: The cups are placed again and the blood is allowed to come out.

  5. Cleaning and Maintenance: After the procedure is completed, the area is cleaned and bandaged

Things to Consider After Hacamat

  • Hygiene: Keeping the area where cupping is performed clean reduces the risk of infection.

  • Rest: Adequate rest is important for the body to recover after the procedure.

  • Water Consumption: Drinking plenty of water accelerates the elimination of toxins.

  • Nutrition: A healthy and balanced diet supports the healing process.

Who should not have cupping?

Cupping may not be suitable for some people. Pregnant women, people with bleeding disorders, anemia or low blood pressure should consult a doctor before having cupping.

Cupping supports health as a natural and holistic treatment method.

When used together with the opportunities offered by modern medicine, it can have positive effects on health.

You can try cupping to discover traditional treatment methods and support your health naturally.

Things to Do Before Cupping

  1. Liquid Food Intake: About 3 hours before the cupping treatment, consume liquid foods such as soup or molasses to prevent blood pressure and sugar drops.

  2. Blood Thinning Medications: Those who use blood thinning medications (except Coumadin and highly effective blood thinners) can take their medication 6 hours after the application on the day of cupping. However, consult your doctor as this may vary depending on individual conditions.

  3. Animal Food Diet: Avoid animal foods (meat, milk, eggs, cheese, animal fats) for a total of 3 days, one day before the cupping treatment, the day of cupping and one day after. This can increase the purification effect.

  4. Avoiding Sexual Intercourse: Avoid sexual intercourse one day before and after cupping treatment. This helps the body rest.

  5. Smoking: Do not smoke at least 2 hours before and after cupping application.

Things to Do After Hacamat

  1. Eating: Do not eat for about 2 hours after cupping. It is recommended to drink vinegar, lemon water or honey sherbet.

  2. Sleep and Walking: It is beneficial not to sleep and walk for about 6 hours after cupping.

  3. No Bed Rest Required: Bed rest is not required after cupping. You can continue your work or travel.

  4. Relaxation and Body Resistance: After cupping, the relief and increase in body resistance will be felt in a short time.

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